Monday, August 25, 2014

Freshman Year Artwork

Sky is Falling 

This is my "sky is falling" final. It was completed in my drawing 1 class during the first semester of my freshman year. We had to do a 3 point perspective cityscape with an object falling from the sky. This project helped me to learn 3 point perspective and the impact that value can make in a drawing. I also learned about how value can vastly improve your drawings. I am happy with with the result of my final piece.


This is the grunt I created for my 3-d class during second semester of my freshman year. We had to create a character that was half humanoid and that would be playable in a video game. This project mainly taught me how to transform a flat drawing into a 3 dimensional sculpture. I also learned multiple painting techniques and sculpting techniques. At first I wasn't too excited to do this assignment mainly because I had no sculpture experience, but once I started I really enjoyed it.


This is my ecorche for 3-d class. We had to sculpt an anatomically correct figure. This project mainly taught me about the human anatomy, specifically the muscular system . It also taught me about sculpting and importance of attention to detail. I enjoyed this project and I am proud of my final product. 

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