Thursday, January 15, 2015

Analysis of 2D Platforming Game

Analysis of 2D Platforming Game

The 2D Sidescroller Platforming game that I picked was Ray-man. I did the version that is available on the phone, and it is called Rayman Jungle Run. I believe that this game has a good platformer level design. In my analysis I am focusing on level 1, and the first level has a great layout, because it starts off with the player jumping over the obstacles in the platform, and it also has rewards the player collects right away. That way the player is already shown some of their abilities and they know how to navigate through the level. The pacing of the game is also managed very well, because after the player learns the basics of jumping, it has a cliff for them to climb, which they learn how to by following the coins pathway. The only help that is really given to you is how to jump, and that's at the beginning of the game. The rest you learn on your own. The obstacles that the player has to overcome are jumping over different cliff heights, and climbing those cliffs, and lastly collecting coins without falling off the map. The difficulty gets harder as the player advances, there is more coins to collect and a lot more objects to jump on to get higher, and a few more holes to look out for. At the end the player gets a overall rating on how they did.

Here is a video from youtube of the same level that I played.

Below is a few screenshots I took from the game.

This first screenshot shows the opening selection menu.  

This screenshot shows instructions on how to jump. 

 In this screenshot, it shows the first time the player learns how to jump and that these little yellow Lums are collectable. 

 This screenshot is when the player first approaches the jumpable flower pads. 

In this screenshot the player first learns how to jump off of walls.

In this screenshot the player realizes that there is bigger coins to collect, which amount to more Lums. They also learn that this is a safe place to fall, because they know they can jump out. 

This screenshot shows the end, and gives the player an ending flag to reach. 

Here is a vector image of the first level that I made using Illustrator.

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