Rough Rough Draft for Board Game
Here is a rough outline of my rules. They still need a lot of work but it's a start.
By: Brooke Olson
20 minutes
2 players
“Release, destroy or survive, it’s your choice.” This game is simple stratgety fighting game, involving an explorer protector, and monster. You get to play as either the explorer or protector. The goal varies depending on who you play as.
The objective of the game varies depending on which character is picked. If the explorer is picked, his objective is to collect the 4 keys on the board, and then attempt to release the monster. If the protector is picked, his objective is to destroy the explorer before he releases the monster.
Board Game
14 dark blue tiles
12 green tiles
10 light blue tiles
1 center cage
4 key tiles
1 die
To start the set up of the game you first need to lay down the board on a flat surface. Then without looking at the backside of the tiles place the color coordinated tiles on their matching colors, face down, so that the words are hidden. ( See additional instructions fro details on tiles.) Then place the center cage with the monster inside in the middle of the board, where the larger pentagon is located. The player’s character then starts at either horizontal end of the board, doesn’t matter which character is at which end.
(add picture of board set up showing where players start)
Players will switch off turns going back and forth, a “turn” is a single players chance to play, not a “round” where it is everyone around the table having a turn.
Next it has to be decided who starts, to this the 2 players will roll a dice and whoever gets the highest number gets to go first. They then switch off the rest of the game.
Starting The Game
To start the game players decide which character they want to play as, then once both players have decided, the roll a die. Whoever has the highest number goes first.
To start the first player must roll again. Then depending on the number they roll they then move that number of spaces, in any direction they want. (hint: the explorer has to first collect all 4 keys before attempting to release the monster, the starting space has the first key. The protector must try and kill the explorer.)
If the player chooses/ happens to land on a colored space, they must flip the tile over and read the back. Then they must do whatever the tile says, and keep the tile flipped so that it known for the rest of the game that someone already landed on that tile.
The Second Turn And Beyond
The second players turn then begins, they too start off by rolling the die, and move whatever the number is that they rolled. The same rules apply as above, for the moving and landing on colored spaces.
If the protector lands on the same space as the explorer he is allowed to try and kill him. Once the protector lands on the same space he must roll again and try and get an even number, he has one try. If he rolls an even number then he kills the explorer. If he does not get an even number, the protector’s turn ends and it moves on to the explorers turn, and the explorer has a chance to get ahead.
Winning And Losing The Game
For the explorer to win the game, he must first collect all of the 4 keys on the board, he starts with one key, so he must collect the other 3 by navigating around the board. Once he has collected all 4, he can attempt to get to the middle of the board and let the monster out. If he makes it to the middle and gets the correct number of spaces or a higher number he is declared the winner, because he let the monster out before being killed by the protector.
For the protector to win he must hunt down the explorer and catch up to him. If the protector lands on the same space as the explorer, the protector must roll his dice again, and if he rolls an even number he is declared the winner. If he rolls an odd number, his turn ends and the explorer gets to go a turn. The protector just has to keep trying to catch up to the explorer and roll and even number.
Whoever completes their objective first wins!
Additional Instructions
What do certain tiles mean?
The color of the tiles do not matter, all of the tiles are completely random.
Players can only flip one colored tile they land on per turn.
The teal colored tiles are the keys.
Only the colored tiles have additional moves, grey tiles mean nothing.
Alternate Rules
If you like the basic game, you can spice up the game by adding these advanced rules.
The explorer and the protector must both collect all 4 keys, instead of just the explorer.
An Example Of Play
Round 1
Explorer: Rolls the die and gets a 3, moves ahead 3 spaces. Lands on a green tile. Flips the tile over, it says “advance 2 spaces ahead.” Player one then advances ahead 3 spaces. Then lands on purple colored tile. ( Player one turn ends because they cannot flip more than one colored tile per turn, so they must wait until their next turn to flip the tile they are on.) Player one hands the dice to playerr two.
Protector: Rolls the dice, gets a 4, moves ahead 4 spaces, lands on a blue tile, flips the tile over, it says “Player advances to colored tile nearest to the opponent.” Player two then moves to the closest color tile near the explorer. Hands dice to player one.
Round 2
Explorer: Flips the colored tile, it says “ Go to nearest key.” Navigated to second key and now has two keys. (Started with one key, and just collected the second one. ) Hands off dice to the player two.
Protector: Flips the tile he was on, and tells him to move 2 spaces, he lands on the same tile as the explorer. Now he rolls again, and rolled a 3. Since he rolled an odd number he doesn’t kill the explorer. He must roll an even number to eliminate him.
Round 3
Explorer: Rolls the die, and gets a 5, moves 5 spaces and lands on a grey space. So nothing happens, he hands the die off the player two.
Protector: Rolls the die and gets a 6, navigates to the desired tile and lands on the same tile as the explorer, he rolls the die, and rolls a 2, which is an even number so he wins the game. The monster was not let out before the explorer died, so the explorer loses.
I also started working on the concept of the board, and a few characters. I will list a few pictures below.
Here is the concept so far so my board. For my actual final, I would like to make the board out of clear and colored plexi-glass.
This is the concept for my monster, he will stuck in the middle cage. This is the monster that the explorer is trying to let out.